PACT HR Sexual Harassment Policy Launch
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Published: 13th January 2025 PACT HR Policy Launch – January 2025 From 26 October 2024, Employers have a legal duty to take reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment and create a safe working environment including the need for sexual harassment awareness training for all workers. Employees can expect their employers to take reasonable steps to protect them from sexual harassment as a new duty comes into force. If sexual harassment has taken place, an employer should take action to stop it from happening again. This sends a clear signal to all employers that they must take reasonable preventative steps against sexual harassment, encourage cultural change where necessary, and reduce the likelihood of sexual harassment occurring. In line with this legislation, PACT HR has developed a new Sexual Harassment Policy and associated Policy Templates, all of which can be found in PACT HR’s Advisory Client SLA Information Hub - New Bullying and Harassment Section. You will need to log into the portal to view this; along with an updated version of PACT HR’s Advisory SLA Client HR Policy Control Tracker so you can implement the policy and framework across your School, Academy or Trust. We are also delivering a number of Bitesize Online Sexual Harassment Training Courses for School Leaders to attend throughout January 2025; to develop their understanding of the new legislation with tips on how to complete the required Risk Assessment, as well as providing delegates with the know-how and a full set of training materials to implement Sexual Harassment Awareness Training to all their workers, both of which are requirements under the new legislation. Please click here to book your place. Our team thoroughly researches upcoming legislation to create and adapt policies that align seamlessly with employment law, are compliant to educational terms and conditions and HR best practice. All PACT HR policies are fully consulted upon with recognised Trade Union Bodies meaning there is no additional necessity for schools to consult individually and our policies can be adopted immediately by PACT HR Advisory SLA clients. We are also currently working in the background developing our next set of policies and these will be launched around Easter 2025. |